Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Banned Book Week Blackout Poetry

Long time no talk! That will be changing soon as I finish up a few more downloads for some of this summer's programs (especially that Harry Potter event... I still remember it very fondly!) - but for now, have a brief taste of our Banned Book Week goodies! I also did a PowerPoint to go along with my awesome Kiki's (and now Marisa, too!) Banned Book Week Bingo game. I'll upload some information for that event soon!

But for now, my new obsession: blackout poetry! I did one for Banned Books Week, featuring a page from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! (Man my handwriting is atrocious... Oops.)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hunger Games Training Arena

Looks like I have some dusting off to do on this blog. Oops! There were a lot of shifts (and a very time-consuming second job) that ate my time. But I am back with a vengeance! And a program I did in... like, March. Wow. I have lots of catching up to do. Hopefully without Catching Fire! Let's open back up with the Hunger Games Training Arena that had our library members on their toes!

Divided up into the outline with sources, notes on specific portions, and a compilation of the files I made for the program. Image heavy.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Figment - Write Yourself In

Social media has become the way to share ideas. Facebook keeps us in touch with the daily lives of our friends, Pinterest gives us a place to collect bookmarks in a fun new way, Tumblr shows off all the great things we find the moment we find them - no more forgetting to share a picture later!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A New Take On It: Tabletop RPGs

A New Take On It is a series of brochures I have started designing for handing out at our library. They are coming out almost once a month (usually closer to once every other month, though). In each ANTOI, I strive to show the benefits of extracurricular activities that seem purely for fun. I believe that in any fun activity, there are nuggets of knowledge to learn. After all, games began both to pass time and to teach valuable skills. I will be sharing the text of each brochure here, hopefully about once a month, along with a link to a PDF document of the Publisher file I used to create it, if you wish to have a copy of the brochure as well.

Friday, January 4, 2013

International Games Day - Retropost

So, because I hadn't yet worked out this blog when I did this mini-event, I thought I'd post about it now. It's never too early to start thinking about next year's IGD, right?

(It is totally too early to start thinking about next year's IGD.)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Life-Sized Clue

Life-Sized Clue was not my idea initially - I was given control of the project for the YAB group. I knew about it for almost two months, and let it sit idle for a month and a half. We all had other projects on our plates and no time to worry about an event that seemed to have already written itself.

Then, two weeks before we were scheduled to run the event, I got bored. It's never safe when I get bored. One brainstorming session later, I had a paper full of ideas to bring to the next YAB meeting. They instantly took to the idea of transforming Clue from the usual suspects to literary characters, and it made them actually want to make costumes and personas for the event. After a few goes at a hearty, heated round-robin, we had our books, weapons, and the idea seemed to have transformed into something still easy, but unique.

Then I got bored one more time, and the following is the full results. (Large image heavy. Also, it is a novel, I am sorry. This was an intensive project and I had a lot to say about it.)

Monday, December 31, 2012

Itinerary of Introductions

Hello and welcome! I would like to thank you for stumbling across this blog. There is a wide expanse of internet savagelands out there and always plenty to see. I hope you will see something you like in this little corner of the map.

I run another blog about the library right here on Blogger, but I wanted a very focused blog for events I help run at Palm Harbor Library, and possibly events I run at anime cons, if I believe they could be brought into the library. I will keep my musings to my other blog (Confessions of a New Librari--I Mean Library Assistant) and try to keep this one nice and action-packed! Except for this post, apparently, because you can only make introductions so exciting. I hope to see you at our first recorded adventure!